George said in one of his final interviews see here
-” i don’t see the point in writing most songs, i could write hundreds of songs, i could churn them out, if i’m going to say something i’d like it to have some importance, some value.”
I think George Harrison’s work is more important now, than ever. He was before his time. And now, In a world dominated by information overload, with access to just about anything at your fingertips these days, i generally think most people are starved of the important information. To become conscious, it takes work. To become wise is only through experience but if you can light the way for someone else whilst working at it yourself, that’s when you’re own desires start to ripple out into society, and you start changing the world. When you raise your own consciousness you intern raise the whole of societies consciousness.
I see people always running around searching for the quick way to get rich or the secret to achieve happiness and how to achieve peace. I was the same and i still have those desires in me, everybody does. How can you not have those desires, and have that outlook on life? When we are constantly surrounded by a society that tells us that you need to acquire the top marks, the gold medal, the big job, more money, fame, notoriety etc.. in order to be accepted in modern times. George, through his music and great presence in interviews taught me that all of these “achievements” are hidden within us already. We just have to search for it. And to realise that the duality of life is essential. Where there is good, there is bad, night and day, life, death. We only know happiness, peace and what it’s like to be rich when we have experienced it’s opposite, out of the darkness comes the light.
As George says in his song “Beware of Darkness” “Take care, Beware of soft shoe shufflers, dancing down the side walks, as each unconscious sufferer, wanders aimlessly.”
I don’t want to be that unconscious sufferer no longer.
In this day and age, we forget to look around ourselves and love the people right in front of us, trading them in for an alternative life out there in cyber space or the pursuit of wealth, and all the egos needs. “Life is what happens to you, while you’re busy making other plans” – John Lennon.
George reminded me personally, that I need to become more present and search within myself. To unlock my own true desires and release my own traumas for a more peaceful world. My prayer for this show is that it be just another key to help someone unlock something greater within themselves.
Whatever country you’re from, religion you are, colour you are or sexual preference you have, we are all human. It’s time to become conscious of each other and our planet again. I think George Harrison reminded us all of the important things in life through his words and music, and we need to start listening again, opening up our hearts a little more and stop to look at the simple wonders in life.
Maharishi said, ‘For a forest to be green, each tree must be green.’ So the same for the world to have peace, each individual must have peace. And you don’t get it through society’s normal channels. And that’s why each individual must tend to himself and get his own peace. And that way the whole society will have peace.” – George Harrison.